Useful links



BeeBase is the Fera National Bee Unit website. It is designed for beekeepers and supports Defra, WAG and Scotland's Bee Health Programmes and the Healthy Bees Plan, which set out to protect and sustain our valuable national bee stocks. Our website provides a wide range of free information for beekeepers, to help keep their honey bees healthy and productive...

The Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology Laboratory is part of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The mission of USDA-ARS is to develop means to solve agricultural problems of broad scope and of high national priority...

BRAVE (Bee Research And Virology in Europe) proceeding. A complete guide to honey bee viruses (2008).

In this website you can find detailed information about honey bee biology, beekeeping techniques, CCD and much more.

Abstract: Honey bees play a fundamental role in agriculture producing wealth in terms of hive products (honey, royal jelly, pollen, wax, and propolis) and by increasing the productivity of important plant species through pollination. Moreover, the pollination of natural plants, at the base of the food chain for many wild animals, guarantee their survival . So for the role that honey bees have in nature and for their economical importance in agriculture, their diseases are of paramount importance. Unfortunately, in the last few years a large-scale colony loss called Colony Collapse Disorder syndrome reduced the overall number of hives in different countries...

All living organisms are subject to infestation or attack by their natural enemies, and honey bees of the genus Apis are no exception. Through their long history of evolution and natural selection, they have achieved a high level of eusociality, many thousands of individual bees living together in a tightly knit social organization. Since individual bees have more than frequent contact among themselves, and since trophyllaxis...

This is the website of Bee for development trust. Their first aim is to assists beekeepers living in poor and remote areas of the world - lifting them out of poverty through beekeeping. Apart from that, their website is really full of interesting resources (newsletter, beekeeping techniques, References to papers, videos and other useful stuff).

One of the The Oldest Beekeeping Associations in Scotland. They have a nice page on honey bee diseases. Wormly suggested to beekeepers.

Randy Oliver’s website. Beekeeping Through a Biologist’s Eyes.